Women in Family Business on the Rise

Women in Family Business infographicSeeing women in leadership roles can be rare. Women are often fighting harder to work their way up and receive equal pay. However, a new study shows that family businesses are where women are more likely to step into leadership roles. Why? Carrie Hall, EY Americas Family Business Leader explains, “Our analysis of this data suggests that inherent traits of successful family businesses contributing to their long-term success also create an environment that’s more welcoming and conducive to the development of women leaders”.

What about the family business setting makes this possible? It seems that family businesses provide a cohesive and inclusive environment that helps establish a path for women to take on leadership roles. The heavier focus on people rather than financial goals also creates a better environment for women to lead.

In the CFBC, 26% of our membership is women in leadership roles. According to the study, 22% of the company’s top management team is composed of women.

For the full report from EY and the Cox Family Enterprise Center, please click here.

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